Asset Management

For Vendors and Asset Owners








Cyber assets (remote terminal units, protection relays, automation controllers, switches, radios, firewalls, etc.), most of which are unique to the power industry, become vulnerable over time and have software bugs that can negatively impact the operating power system. If left unaddressed these vulnerabilities offer an attack vector for malicious actors and can result in hefty fines from regulatory bodies.


Through customizable options that fit your current need, you will be provided with summary reports, instant notification, and dashboards outlining the health of your cyber assets and your overall security posture. These deliverables offer the peace of mind knowing that your system is up-to-date, compliant, and protected from malicious actors as well as free of software bugs that can decrease the operational reliability.


Years ago, we developed and still continue to tune software that automatically collects and organizes firmware releases, vulnerabilities, and patches from a variety of sources and places the results into a giant database. Each database entry is analyzed by an industry engineer and classified as a feature update, security issue, or an operational bug fix. In addition to tracking the individual vendors and their release notes, through our intimate knowledge of these systems and assets, we have a familiarity with the software libraries used by a variety of power system assets and also monitor them to help detect the presence of possible inherited vulnerabilities that otherwise would remain unknown.

Engineer Reviewed

To accurately classify, prioritize, determine applicability, and review the impact of vulnerabilities and updates, the context of the power system environment must first be understood and always taken into consideration. Not all assets are created equal and most of the assets used in power systems are unique to the power industry. It is for these reasons each entry in our asset management database is reviewed by multiple industry engineers.

Options Customized for You and Your Budget

  • Monthly Report
  • Instant Notification
  • Online Dashboard